Personal case study

Personal case study

Fitness tracking

Fitness tracking

Mobile application

Mobile application

Questa is a mobile fitness-tracking app that combines fantasy gaming with fitness tracking.

Questa is a mobile fitness-tracking app that combines fantasy gaming with fitness tracking.

Project Goal

Project Goal

The project aimed to create a sustainable engagement system & incorporate social interactions with Questa.

The project aimed to create a sustainable engagement system & incorporate social interactions with Questa.

Our Solution

Our Solution

Explore, discover & implement elements of gamification for Questa’s fitness tracking application.

Explore, discover & implement elements of gamification for Questa’s fitness tracking application.

How could Questa construct a perpetual interaction platform integrating societal elements?

How could Questa construct a perpetual interaction platform integrating societal elements?

Questa's followed a three stage design process

Questa's followed a three stage design process

The Discover phase involves the research of the gamified approach to fitness & understanding the key users. The Design phase encompasses the ideation of the research, and the designing of the prototype. The Validation phase ends with the high fidelity prototype & user testing.

The Discover phase involves the research of the gamified approach to fitness & understanding the key users. The Design phase encompasses the ideation of the research, and the designing of the prototype. The Validation phase ends with the high fidelity prototype & user testing.








Understanding the Fitness-tracking industry

Understanding the Fitness-tracking industry

In order to discover what can create engaging fitness app, it was important to understand what engagement means in the Fitness industry and how the industry works in a mobile application setting.

To understand this, secondary research was conducted, going through various sources from articles to peer-reviewed papers regarding mobile app engagement, the fitness industry, and gamification of apps. These are the key Insights from secondary research:

In order to discover what can create engaging fitness app, it was important to understand what engagement means in the Fitness industry and how the industry works in a mobile application setting.

To understand this, secondary research was conducted, going through various sources from articles to peer-reviewed papers regarding mobile app engagement, the fitness industry, and gamification of apps. These are the key Insights from secondary research:

Gamification and fitness go hand-in-hand.

Gamification and fitness go hand-in-hand.

Gamification makes the process of achieving fitness goals more engaging and rewarding.

Gamification makes the process of achieving fitness goals more engaging and rewarding.

Mobile apps eliminate physical restrictions.

Mobile apps eliminate physical restrictions.

Clients and users can now be anywhere around the world.

Clients and users can now be anywhere around the world.

The onboarding process is crucial for new users.

The onboarding process is crucial for new users.

Standout onboarding process increases likelihood of repeat usage.

Standout onboarding process increases likelihood of repeat usage.


Industry leaders in fitness apps

Industry leaders in fitness apps

There are three industry leaders in the fitness space that stood out and proved the most beneficial to research. Each app excelled as industry leaders, with three unique approaches to fitness-tracking.

There are three industry leaders in the fitness space that stood out and proved the most beneficial to research. Each app excelled as industry leaders, with three unique approaches to fitness-tracking.

Nike Run Club

Nike Run Club

Excels in a competitive social approach to fitness tracking with unique real time rewards from Nike.

Excels in a competitive social approach to fitness tracking with unique real time rewards from Nike.

Map My Run

Map My Run

The best fitness app that allows users to track and share their runs & interact with friends and followers.

The best fitness app that allows users to track and share their runs & interact with friends and followers.

Zombies, Run!

Zombies, Run!

The most gamified fitness app that immerses users into a zombie world & survive by running to achieve loot.

The most gamified app that immerses users into a zombie world & survive by running to achieve loot.


Competitive testing the industry leaders

Competitive testing the industry leaders

For this testing, there was 3 participants with varying experiences and preferences regarding their fitness-tracking journeys.

The main goal was to figure out what worked, what could be improved, and what were the essentials to each users fitness experiences.

For this testing, there was 3 participants with varying experiences and preferences regarding their fitness-tracking journeys.

The main goal was to figure out what worked, what could be improved, and what were the essentials to each users fitness experiences.

Affinity Mapping
Affinity Mapping

Tracking fitness statistics is the most important feature, but widely varied.

Tracking fitness statistics is the most important feature, but widely varied.

Participants find that the most important feature of fitness apps is tracking progress/goals. However, what participants are tracking varies according to their individual fitness goals.

Participants find that the most important feature of fitness apps is tracking progress/goals. However, what participants are tracking varies according to their individual fitness goals.

Social interaction is great for user engagement.

Social interaction is great for user engagement.

Having social media elements like news feeds and instant messaging allows a self-sustaining community to thrive and incentivizes users to return and engage while using the fitness app.

Having social media elements like news feeds and instant messaging allows a self-sustaining community to thrive and incentivizes users to return and engage while using the fitness app.

Engagement in the form of challenges and competition

Engagement in the form of challenges and competition

Challenges and healthy competition are important gamifying elements present in most fitness apps that encourage users to engage with the fitness app and provide engagement variety for users.

Challenges and healthy competition are important gamifying elements present in most fitness apps that encourage users to engage with the fitness app and provide engagement variety for users.


The concept of Questa

The concept of Questa

In order to discover what can create engaging fitness app, it was important to understand what engagement means in the Fitness industry and how the industry works in a mobile application setting.

To understand this, secondary research was conducted, going through various sources from articles to peer-reviewed papers regarding mobile app engagement, the fitness industry, and gamification of apps. These are the key Insights from secondary research:

In order to discover what can create engaging fitness app, it was important to understand what engagement means in the Fitness industry and how the industry works in a mobile application setting.

To understand this, secondary research was conducted, going through various sources from articles to peer-reviewed papers regarding mobile app engagement, the fitness industry, and gamification of apps. These are the key Insights from secondary research:

Users are Heroes.

Users are Heroes.

Within the world of Questa, users are considered Heroes. Users with different fitness goals will have different hero roles from warriors, to mages, and rangers.

Within the world of Questa, users are considered Heroes. Users with different fitness goals will have different hero roles from warriors, to mages, and rangers.

Join Factions to Quest together

Factions to Quest together.

Questa encourages Heroes to join factions! Invite friends and family to participate, questing and completing challenges together for more rewards.

Questa encourages Heroes to join factions! Invite friends and family to participate, questing and completing challenges together for more rewards.

Embarking on Quests.

Embarking on Quests.

Questing refers to running or doing a cardio workout, allowing users to use Questa to track their running statistics like time, pace, distance, etc.

Questing refers to running or doing a cardio workout, allowing users to use Questa to track their running statistics like time, pace, distance, etc.


Bringing User Journeys to Life

Bringing User Journeys to Life

There are three main journeys that are mapped out that users take in Questa that demonstrates engagement through Creating or Joining Factions, Messaging within a Faction, and Questing.

There are three main journeys that are mapped out that users take in Questa that demonstrates engagement through Creating or Joining Factions, Messaging within a Faction, and Questing.

User Journey Map Legend
User Journey Map Legend

Creating or Joining a Faction:

Creating or Joining a Faction:

Creating or Joining a Faction:


Designing the Wireframes

Designing the Wireframes


Visual Design of Questa

Visual Design of Questa



The Warrior role was inspired by strength and speed. Based on a bulky spartan and focuses on users who have goals of running faster.



The Mage role was inspired by time and magic. Based on a wizard and focuses on users who have goals of improving running durations.



The Ranger role was inspired by swiftness. Based on an archer and focuses on users who have goals of running further distances.

Visual concepts for Questa's backgrounds

Visual concepts for Questa's backgrounds

Background concept - Roman
Background concept - Castle
Background concept - Mountains


Conducting user testings

Conducting user testings

In this project, there were two rounds of user testing. The first round of user testing was conducted after the low-fidelity prototype, and the second was after the high-fidelity prototype. Refinements and improvements were made throughout this process.

In this project, there were two rounds of user testing. The first round of user testing was conducted after the low-fidelity prototype, and the second was after the high-fidelity prototype. Refinements and improvements were made throughout this process.

Insights from round 1 of user testing:

Visuals & Graphics

Visuals & Graphics

Participants highlighted the importance of visuals and graphics to provide context clues.

Participants highlighted the importance of visuals and graphics to provide context clues.

Hero Mechanics

Hero Mechanics

It was important to explain the context behind the roles for the heroes in Questa as this will allow participants to choose their roles more accurately.

It was important to explain the context behind the roles for the heroes as this will allow participants to choose their roles more accurately.

Faction Details

Faction Details

Participants need more explanation as to the details of factions, such as the max capacity a faction can hold.

Participants need more explanation as to the details of factions, such as the max capacity a faction can hold.

Reduce Clicks

Reduce Clicks

Is there a way to reduce clicks in processes like onboarding for returning users, or users who are familiar with how the app works?

Is there a way to reduce clicks in processes like onboarding for returning users?

Avoiding UI Clutter

Avoiding UI Clutter

For pages like the factions, was there a way to simplify UI elements in order to organize and reduce visual clutter for users?

For pages like the factions, was there a way to simplify UI elements in order to reduce visual clutter ?

Demonstrate Features

Show Features

Users were interested in how social features would work when the page is thriving with posts & activity.

Users were interested in how social features would work when the page is thriving with posts & activity.

Insights from round 2 of user testing:

User Customization


Explore the options for user customization in features like the Dashboard.

Explore the options for user customization in features like the Dashboard.

Multiple Heroes?

Multiple Heroes?

Research the possibility for users to create and have more than one hero.

Research the possibility for users to create and have more than one hero.

Labeling Graphics

Labeling Graphics

Participants needed labeling in graphics in order to explain what was being illustrated or shown.

Participants needed labeling in graphics in order to explain what was being illustrated or shown.

Unread Messages

Unread Messages

How can we create distinction from read and unread messages?

How can we create distinction from read and unread messages?

High Fidelity Prototype

High Fidelity Prototype

Onboarding Screens

Onboarding Screens

The onboarding process is subtle but important. The visuals needed to be strong but contextually relevant to the page.

The onboarding process is subtle but important. The visuals needed to be strong but contextually relevant to the page.

Account Creation

Account Creation

Creating an account should be simple and accessible for users. Allowing SSO (Single Sign On) will ease the process for many users.

Creating an account should be simple and accessible for users. Allowing SSO (Single Sign On) will ease the process for many users.

Hero Roles

Hero Roles

Choose from a Warrior, Mage, or Ranger based on your fitness goals. Roles are not exclusive and users are able to change freely.

Choose from a Warrior, Mage, or Ranger based on your fitness goals. Roles are not exclusive and users are able to change freely.



Join other heroes by creating or joining a faction. This is the main social hub for Questa.

Join other heroes by creating or joining a faction. This is the main social hub for Questa.



The main function of Questa, go for runs and collect rewards to upgrade your hero. Train yourself and your hero at the same time.

The main function of Questa, go for runs and collect rewards to upgrade your hero. Train yourself and your hero at the same time.

Learnings & Reflections

Time Management

Time Management

With only 3 weeks during the winter holidays, Questa’s project timeline is– from this point, one of the more demanding personal case studies I have done. It was vital to always start and end each day looking and checking off the project plan. This project taught me the importance of keeping the project scope manageable within the 3-week duration of the project.

With only 3 weeks during the winter holidays, Questa’s project timeline is– from this point, one of the more demanding personal case studies I have done. It was vital to always start and end each day looking and checking off the project plan. This project taught me the importance of keeping the project scope manageable within the 3-week duration of the project.

Visual & UX Designer

Visual & UX Designer

Questa was an ambitious project that I enjoyed and was challenged by as the sole designer of the visual arts of Questa and the UX Designer. It was fun having creative control over the character and concept design of Questa and though challenging, helped me grow much more than just a UX Designer, but an artist as a whole.

Questa was an ambitious project that I enjoyed and was challenged by as the sole designer of the visual arts of Questa and the UX Designer. It was fun having creative control over the character and concept design of Questa and though challenging, helped me grow much more than just a UX Designer, but an artist as a whole.

Learn As You Go

Learn As You Go

This project was very much a learning experience in all matters of design and project management. There was always space for learning a new concept or idea each day. Although gamification of a fitness app is not a new concept, the approach Questa took with fantasy and fitness was unique and made the designing phase very fun and engaging.

This project was very much a learning experience in all matters of design and project management. There was always space for learning a new concept or idea each day. Although gamification of a fitness app is not a new concept, the approach Questa took with fantasy and fitness was unique and made the designing phase very fun and engaging.

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Unfortunately, this case study is only viewable to larger displays at the moment.

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