
American Dream was under the process of acquiring Judaica Place during this project.

This created an opportunity to explore how we could empower users to use our digital solution.


American Dream was under the process of acquiring Judaica Place during this project.

This created an opportunity to explore how we could empower users to use our digital solution.



the navigational



the navigational

About the project


About the project


Our goal was to determine how we could increase user retention.

Our goal was to determine how we could increase user retention.

Project Timeline




3 Months







Project Timeline




3 Months







User data

Because this project took place during an acquisition. We weren't able to access Judaica's existing user data.

Project deadline

The project deadline is set for 3 months— in time for the projected completion of the acquisition.

Limited research resources

Judaica Place has lacked a design & research team prior to the beginning of this project.

While working with some constraints…

User data

Because this project took place during an acquisition. We weren't able to access Judaica's existing user data.

Project deadline

The project deadline is set for 3 months— in time for the projected completion of the acquisition.

Limited research resources

Judaica Place had lacked a design & research team prior to the beginning of this project.

While working with some constraints…

Read full detail about the project

Read full detail about the project

But before we got to designing, we really wanted to understand the goals & determine how we wanted to approach the project.

But before we got to designing, we really wanted to understand the goals & determine how we wanted to approach the project.

Our Approach


Our Approach


There were two main factors that we wanted to focus on that would help us understand the goals of this project:

There were two main factors that we wanted to focus on that would help us understand the goals of this project:

We wanted to determine what works, what doesn't & what could be improved…

We wanted to determine what works, what doesn't & what could be improved…

… and test how users would navigate their way around the site.

… and test how users would navigate their way around the site.

Research Insights



Research Insights



We discovered these recurring insights when conducting research:

We discovered these recurring insights when conducting research:

Users felt overwhelmed with the top navigation bar.

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All five users who participated in the user testing reported feeling overwhelmed when navigating through the top navigation bar.

"There's too much eye clutter"

"I struggle with keeping my attention on the page."

"Hard to maneuver with all the subcategories."

Categories uses color & contrast well.

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According to our heuristic evaluation, Judaica Place took the right approach to the categories by using color & contrast to distinguish content.

"Could we approach the redesign in a similar approach using color & contrast?"

Users found the product page to lack structure.

Product details

Discounted price


Product Description

Product measurements

Deals & favorites

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Two of five users found that the product page lacked informational structure & found the layout random.

"The page is very unorganized."

"I feel as if I have to search for the product information that I need."

The designers of our team focused on each insight & my responsibility for this project was to work on the top navigation.

The designers of our team focused on each insight & my responsibility for this project was to work on the top navigation.


Starting our design


Starting our design

We decided to explore top navigation variations.

View digital sketches

We decided to explore top navigation variations.

View digital sketches


Testing our design


Testing our design

We conducted A/B Testing in order to determine which top navigation was most effective for users & why.

We conducted A/B Testing in order to determine which top navigation was most effective for users & why.

Hover menu

Hover menu

For this testing, five participants were tasked to navigate & shop for Jewish wedding gifts. We tested how effective the navigation bar functioned & these were our findings:

Tap to preview

Tap to preview

Hamburger menu

Hamburger menu

Hover menu


Conversion Rate

Most straightforward

Users found the structure familiar (to other ecommerce sites)

Hovering layers caused multiple miss clicks

Hover menu


Conversion Rate

Most straightforward

Users found the structure familiar (to other ecommerce sites)

Hovering layers caused multiple miss clicks

Hamburger menu


Conversion Rate

Most visually appealing

Positive reception to layered structure

Implement images or icons?

Hamburger menu


Conversion Rate

Most visually appealing

Positive reception to layered structure

Implement images or icons?

*Most favorable variant

*Most favorable variant

Tap to preview

For this testing, five participants were tasked to navigate & shop for Jewish wedding gifts. We tested how effective the navigation bar functioned & these were our findings:

And after conducting tests, we decided to utilize a hamburger in the top navigation.

And after conducting tests, we decided to utilize a hamburger in the top navigation.

A hamburger menu creates digestible portions of information for users to read — encouraging users to explore without feeling overwhelmed.

Increasing user retention!

A hamburger menu creates digestible portions of information for users to read — encouraging users to explore without feeling overwhelmed.

Increasing user retention!

After conducting user tests, we implemented a dropdown to the lowest category of the hamburger menu.

After conducting user tests, we implemented a dropdown to the lowest category of the hamburger menu.

Why implement this?

Our solution


Our solution


Navigating to find Jewish wedding gifts.

Navigating to find Jewish wedding gifts.

A responsive design for mobile screens.

A responsive design for mobile screens.

Our solution reflects the importance of user research & testing. Redesigning the top navigation was an unexpected but effective approach to increase user retention.

Our solution reflects the importance of user research & testing. Redesigning the top navigation was an unexpected but effective approach to increase user retention.

Reflecting on the project


Reflecting on the project


Learning points as a UX Designer

Learning points as a UX Designer

Collaborating with a design team was an exciting experience. This opportunity built on my experience through the exposure of working in a design team & with stakeholders.

Collaborating with a design team was an exciting experience. This opportunity built on my experience through the exposure of working in a design team & with stakeholders.

This project taught me the importance of user feedback. The redesign of the top navigation formed through our user research & testing.

This project taught me the importance of user feedback. The redesign of the top navigation formed through our user research & testing.

Screen size is too small.

Unfortunately, this case study is only viewable to larger displays at the moment.

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